إِنَّ صُحْبَةَ القُرآنِ نِعْمَةٌ عَظِيْمَةٌ

Verily the companionship of the Quran is a magnificent blessing, grace, favour, boon.

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The Quran is indeed a treasure trove of gems, but only for the one who seeks them from this trove with the correct intention, and via correct branches and sources of knowledge, which include the rules of tajweed and other supplementary subjects. Arabic Grammar enables us to understand certain things whilst reciting or reading the Arabic text of the Quran directly, without needing an accompanying translation or consulting a tafsir.

Mission Statement

To create a unique, global Islamic web portal that provides services to Muslims and non-Muslims. 

To become a reference for everything that deals with Islam, its sciences, civilization and nation. 

To have credibility in content, distinction in design, and a sharp and balanced vision of humanity and current events,


To work for the good of humanity, as Islam teaches us. 

To work to uplift the Islamic nation specifically and humanity in general. 

To support the principles of freedom, justice and human rights. 

To reinforce values and morals at the individual, family, and community levels. 

To expand the circle of introducing Islam; present its comprehensiveness and the way its system and laws complement each other; to affirm its balance, fairness and applicability in all places and times; and present the tolerance and the humanity of its laws. 

To strengthen the ties of unity and affiliation between the members of the Islamic community and support informational and cultural exchange. 

To expand awareness of important events in the Arab, Islamic and larger worlds. 

To build confidence and a spirit of hope among Muslims. 

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If you would like to understand the message of the Quran it is preferred to understand the spirit of the Quran and undoubtedly the Arabic Language is the ultimate spirit of the Quran.
Marina Rizwan